Wednesday 25 September 2013

Genre Coventions

  • Star Image - Many close-ups of Singer.
  • A lot of Lip-Syncing.
  • A lot of Dancing.
  • Voyeurism is used in many videos.
  • A lot of bright colours.
  • Varied 'Different'/'Unusualcostumes with many accessories.
  • Appeals to a younger target audience.
  • lot of lighting is used, mainly artificial lighting.
  • Slow motion is used a lot.
  • Signature dance moves.

    Pop music videos are usually set in studios with bright colours situated all around and dance sequences too. However, Music videos are very versatile pieces of Art, meaning that the conventions of any genre will constantly evolve into something new and different, yet not diverging too far away from its origins. Therefore it would be more accurate to say that most Pop videos are filmed in a way that doesn't appear to look like day-to-day life, whether that would be a studio set-up or one of 

Katy Perry's made-up fantasy worlds
      Camerawork is heavily thought out a lot in Pop music videos too. There are often a lot of close up shots and a lot of wide-angle shots features. Close up shots are vital for a Pop music video, because (especially with Pop) the 'Star Image' is very significant. There aren't many bands in Pop because the genre is mostly compiled of individual artists or duets (with other famous artists feat.).

        There is often a lack of instruments shown in Pop videos as this is left for Rock music videos. Therefore the shots have to be comprised of differently in order to captivate the audience. Pop music videos focus a lot on dance moves, and synchronised group dancing as well as a continuos amount of lip-syncing  This isn't necessary for the other type of videos, especially Rock, and is probably what makes Pop videos recognisable


  • A lot of instruments.
  • Mise en scène is a lot darker toned
  • Less close ups of the artists, and more of the instruments.
  • A lot of wide-angle group shots, including all the band members.
  • Often has a narrative a long side the filming of the band playing itself.
  • Focuses a lot on the 'Rock' look: This includes Skinny Jeans, long dark hair and a lot of makeup.
  • Often very fast paced, similar to that of the Rock song
  • Locations are filmed in more 'realistic' places, such as city streets.

   Rock music videos are in ways very different to Pop music videos, and yet in a similar quantity of ways they're extremely similar. There are also a lot of close up shots filmed in Rock music videos, and although they may be mostly on the instruments there are some close ups of the actual band members too. Close ups on individuals all depends on their
 'Star Image'. If the band is known more for individual members, then more focus will be on them as this'll be a better way to advertise the song.

     The tones used in Rock videos are a lot darker and a lot more, arguably, dull than that of Pop vides. This may be because of the target audience (that for an older audience bright colours aren't as necessary), or it may just be the general style that the band or director is going for. You will tend to see a lot of blacks, greys, browns and dark greens in Rock music videos.

    Like in any genre of music video, there are always the type of videos that verge away from the normal. Therefore videos such as 'Sabotage' by The Beastie Boys won't usually contain the typical conventions of a Rock video because the director and the band are trying to go for a whole different look, make it unique, and make it stand out. This probably happens the most in the genre Rock though. Of course you have videos such as Gangnam Style in Pop that may be quirky and weird, but they still contain Lip-syncing, dancing etc. However with Rock you may have videos that show a lot more about the meaning of the song that does not contain any clips of the musicians, or you may have videos that make no sense at all.

Lonely Boy - The Black Keys 
(One of the strangest videos I have ever seen)


  • Focus a lot on 'Star Image', with many close ups.
  • A lot of low-angle, Fisheye shots to make the artist look superior.
  • Focuses a lot on Mise-en-scène and costume (mainly accessories).
  • Often includes women shown in a voyeuristic manor.
  • A lot of lip-syncing
  • Often includes expensive things, such as flashy cars, mansions etc.

    A Hip-Hop/Rap/Urban music video is a lot like a Pop music video, just without the dancing. There are a lot of similarities with focus on close ups, costumes, accessories and 'Star Image' and the main differences  are the lack of dance routines and the lack of studio recording. 

    Shots like this one on the side are used in a massive amount of music videos. These Fisheye low-angle shots are used to make the artist look superior to others. It also makes the message a lot more personal as the song is being sung directly at the audience. This type of shot seems to be quite intimidating, as if the artist wants to come across as fearful and interrogative. This links to the typical associations with this type of genre. Rappers are linked with gangs, and they speak a lot about the hardships of their lives.

    The type of locations that rappers are typically set in is in streets at night, in expensive cars, mansions the list goes on. The genre goes from one extreme to the other. A lot of videos show the amount of money and women that rappers have in their life, and yet a lot of others show the hardships of their lives growing up on the streets

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