Thursday 19 December 2013

Diary Entry - Filming & Editing No.4 (BAND PROBLEMS) #19

    Depending on others is a recurring problem for us and because the band performance meant we had to depend on four or more people, this was a serious problem. There were many attempts to try and record the band performance before we actually decided on what to do and this diary post will explain everything that has happened and everything that is going to happen.

   The studio space we thought would be the best solution for the place to record the performance, as it would have a similar feel to many other music videos that we have researched and seen previously, however this posed as a problem also. Alike to the green screen problems in the run up to christmas resources became limited as there were tens of people wanting the same space and equipment etc. We had the drummer and we had the singer/guitarist but the main problem was trying to pick a date that everyone was able to do, and with work and college this was immensely hard. This meant that for most of the scenes/shots we weren't able to film until after christmas and this fact just threw the initial shooting schedule right out the window.

    Following the attitude of the song, and not to seem intentionally ironic, but we persevered and due to our optimism of the project we saw this as an opportunity to become better directors/ filmmakers/ editors/cameramen etc. I knew we wouldn't have the equipment, and I knew we wouldn't have the resources either, but alike to the green screen filming also I found ways to still try and make the band performance look good.

      Instead of a studio I decided that it would be best to try and find a house that had the same look as what the audience would be able to relate too. Luckily y friend (the guitarist and singer) has precisely that look in his bedroom (following the nature of his musical creativity). There are many posters, instruments, amps etc. located everywhere so this is going to clearly be the best place for it, and all that is left is to put my research into lighting and mise-en-scène to apply it to his bedroom. This would then give that professional feel of the studio, but also the indie feel also. 

     The equipment was the main thing that we were going to miss, and in order to make up for it I had to come up with some cheap ways to make use of the best we had. The 'Equipment' post shows all of the equipment we will be using for all of the recordings but here I will explain why I got everything I did. I already had the DSLR and the waterproof camera but I wanted one more camera and another fish eye lens or wide angle. For this I decided to use my phone to record, although it's 1080p the quality still isn't great and no where near as good as the others. The fish eye lens look was already able to be achieved on the DSLR with a lens adapter, but I wanted to use the DSLR for close-ups so that means the fish eye would have to be on the other two. So I bought a fish eye and wide angle magnetic lens adapter from Amazon for £6.99 and this meant that I could attach lenses to all three cameras at the same time as the package included two lenses. This is going to make the band performance a lot easier, and I didn't stop there with the DIY/Cheap aspects. I also bought a dolly from Amazon (again) for £1 it was very cheap, but it is coming from China and hopefully it'll be here soon.A few months ago, ready for this project and other filming ideas I decided to create a monopod out of baseball bat that I owned. I have always wanted a monopod as well as a tripod as they are much easier to carry and they are a lot easier to use for some shots. The baseball bat has a grip on it also so trying to get to those high-up, hard-to-reach places is going to be a lot easier when it comes to recording. Apart from the more proper equipment, things like tape and the Gorillapod will be used to put the cameras in weird and obscure places once more to try and get a better look for the indie genre we want to try and show. 

    The plan is then to work through Christmas on planning, visualising etc. before we record at a friend's house. This will give us time to research even more and make the probability of the recordings going perfect much much higher. Let's just hope it goes that way.

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