Monday 14 April 2014

Evaluation Question Four

Over the whole project I have used an extensive amount of different technologies to produce what I have produced. The research and planning, construction and evaluation challenged my capabilities from the very start but at that point I knew I was going to learn a lot more. From the very onset I encouraged my self to use new technologies in producing things even if I had never used them before, because I knew that by challenging myself the outcome would be much more prosperous. However I didn't just invest into completely new technologies within this project I used technologies that I had been familiar with previously and expanded on them - using them all to their full potential. For this project the main theme of technology that was consistent throughout was the use of computer software and the internet. Without the use of a computer clearly nothing really would have been able to have been completed because of how many opportunities it gives us. Below then is a list of everything (Software, websites etc.) that I used on the computer to help me through this project.

jRsBSo on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
WyxZf2 on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
Final Cut Pro
GIF maker
Google Drive


The range for programs I used for different stages of this project is undeniably extensive, but I still tried to make using them easier and less time-consuming for myself. For instance, Google played a huge part of this project due to its interconnectivity over different media platforms. Since Google acquired Blogger and YouTube the process of creating a blog has become a lot easier, and this was the same for me too. I used Google Drive to back up files which I could then directly access from Blogger, and I also used Google+ to automatically upload pictures I took on my phone which I could also directly access from blogger.

The powerpoint below further shows how I used technology throughout this project to help better my progress.

The videos below show exactly what I learnt most within two of the biggest pieces of software I used throughout this project: Final Cut and Fireworks.

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