Thursday 23 January 2014

Rough cut 2 #29

       We wanted to produce one more rough cut for this project for two reasons: One because our last rough cut featured a lack of footage due to a vast amount of problems. And two, because we felt it wasn't perfect and we needed some feedback to help us on those problems.

   The feedback we got was generally positive. Compared to the last time, we added multiple scenes; including the two most significant - Band Performance & Dream World. We thought that we would get a more negative perception on the amount of effects and computer animation we used for the whole of the video, but again, the feedback was positive. We knew we had a solid narrative and the effects and CA transpired into that narrative and everything had a purpose, but we primarily thought that the message would be hard to understand, but fortunately for us yet again understanding of the Music Video and its meanings was well received.

Though there were many positives that we received for the video, there was inevitably some negatives also. Some people thought that the start of the video hindered the rest of the video for its overall meaning and although the meaning was clear to the end the first bit could have been more concrete. We thought beforehand that this may have been the case and we did experiment with some sound to help with the first bit, but obviously now we are going to experiment a lot more.

   There are a few shots that after watching the video multiple times we would like to change ourselves but apart from that all we have to do is to add the music in to the first bit. For this I wanted it to start out with office sounds to give a good perspective of environment, but then when the Boss comes in the sound transforms. Everything blurs and sows in tempo, and every hit with his hand is matched with a prominent blast of sound to show the severity of the situation and that it isn't just an everyday occurrence. Although this is going to be tricky we still want to try it out as it will help with our sound-production skills and we might even have to opt to sample some sounds which would be even better

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