Thursday 20 February 2014

Final Construction: Magazine Advert

Final Construction: Digipak

Magazine advert feedback

         I uploaded all three drafts of the magazine advert to Facebook to get some feedback, and there was an overwhelming decision. As you can see most people voted for the third one out of the lot and I guess that was both a positive thing and negative also. I my self liked No.3 and No.1 equally, but I knew that No.1 conformed more to the 'recognisability' factor and to the overall branding side of things for my chosen band.                                                                                                      I talked to some other people about the magazine advert and why it was so good and there were a few consistent themes that arose. Firstly the main one was that everything was easier to see in this one, and I think was mainly because of the approach I took. My style for this was similar to the Thirty Seconds to Mars's advert where the font style/gig poster was used. Another theme was that it stood out because the other drafts had too much going on. Especially in No.2, there was too much writing within the image that was close together. I believe the simplicity and the centred text of No.3 makes it the best.

Although I do really like No.3 and everything that it does incorporate, I do really like No.1 and the amount it links to the music video and my Digipak. Therefore for my final magazine advert I feel it'd only be the best decision to create a new advert based on the positives from No.3 and No.1.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Magazine Ideas & Drafts

      I want my magazine advert, digipak and music video to be very resemblant of each other so that my target audience will be able to spot the products more easily. To do this I have decided that I am going to correspond with the approach I took with the digipak and create a magazine advert that includes a lot of the dream world scene in it. This I think is a really good idea for advertising. Firstly because of the point I made about the three products resembling each other and therefore creating a recognisable brand, but secondly it appeals to my target audience. Most music magazine adverts that advertise bands' albums have the album front cover embedded into the advert one way or another and mine shall be no exception. Furthermore, considering my digipak research and how the genre indie and its style has a lot to do with drawing, I want to continue the theme here. I want to mix Computer Animation and hand-drawn animation once again with my advert and include many elements from both the video and the digipak. 

     Although I could just place the album front cover on the advert and then just add in some more information, I decided to try and once more challenge my creative ability and try to add in more aspects that will be more suited to the magazine style/form. I have a lot of different ideas going on, but I've rounded up my best ones and put them into this top 3 below, enjoy.

      A lot like the Thirty Seconds to Mars magazine advert but with some aspects of the album entwined with it. For this style then it would be mostly font-based, a lot like a gig poster. I feel that this would be a very good idea for my target audience as the Indie genre and its following has a big reputation for having a passion for lovely-looking gig posters. I will most probably have three different fonts and three different colours (based on everything I have used for the video and the digipak). The different words will be at different sizes and angles to produce an overall artistic look to the advert. I also want to take the approach of The Verve in their magazine article and centre everything. 

Idea No. 2 is a lot like No. 3, but the main aspect of the advert would be based around a picture of the dream world. A lot like The Verve's I will have a picture of my dream world behind the text. However considering my research on Empire Magazine and how they integrate elements of their adverts and covers I want to take the same approach and integrate my album name and band name into the surroundings of the picture. I feel this could make it a lot more personal and it will look a lot more creative/artistic too.  The picture will also be landscape orientation.

    My favourite idea of mine actually comes from a mix of the two ideas above. I want to have an advert with the dream world picture for definite as this will add to that resemblance and brand recognisability factor. I also want to integrate the wordings into the advert, and to make it look like a gig poster. However for this idea I want to use a photograph also as the main aspect. One idea is to have the bottom half of the character's smiling face, and then the pictures in the background. Either that or the top half of the face (looking happy and inquisitive) peering out of one of the sides on the A4 sized image. The grin/inquisitive-happy look will give the emotion to the advert that is conveyed through the music video. 




Monday 10 February 2014

Magazine Advert Research

8dO6hi on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

     I wanted to base my magazine advert heavily on the work I had produced from the music video and considering this I took factors within my music video so I could create a more beneficial research plan. The music video I produced includes a band performance and narrative - that's one factor to it. However the more important factor I believe in this case is that I wanted to base the video on shots seen in music videos and films too to get a mixed artistic side to the video overall. Therefore for this research I am going to look at both music magazine adverts and Film magazines to produce something with similar incorporated elements to the video. Though I will include cinematic magazine elements the magazine advert will mostly comprised of conventions from other magazine adverts to make the message clear for the audience.

So hear is my analysis of some of those adverts:

Conventions of a Music Album Magazine Advert
  • Two styles: Font-based (Gig Style) and Picture and Font, conventional advert style
  • Band and Album name
  • Record Company Logo
  • Link to extra information e.g. Website HTML
  • When the album is out
  • One Colour Palette to stick to
  • Less than three fonts

Other possible aspects
  • Reviews and Ratings
  • QR Code

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Digipak feedback & drafts

    I presented my four ideas for the Digipak to my peers in the class today and I came away with a conclusive decision on what I wanted to do. My last two ideas (3 & 4) were easily put out the frame of plausibility, and that wasn't because the audience didn't like them, but purely because it was elimination time and they were the two weakest candidates. My peers liked the idea of both 1 & 2 but they said they preferred the latter. However No.1 for me was always my first choice, and my favourite so taking this into consideration I decided to merge the two. I still wanted to use the journey-type theme to my Digipak throughout the panels and to use the drawing effect. But the silhouette idea didn't go down to well and that was what let it down for others. For No.2 what people liked was the interconnectivity and links the Digipak would have to the video and how the advertising when produced would be perfectly synced across the board. I acknowledged this perception, and I came to the same conclusion that an integrated package would be the best solution. If it were real this kind of approach would be able to largely accentuate a recognisable brand which would entice audiences further in.

    In the end then I opted to create a similar dreamworld than that produced within the music video, and to make all of the panels seamlessly flow together as one. below s a few examples of the drafts I created before creating the final draft at the end.