Friday 1 November 2013

Artwork Inspiration #5

    Inspiration is the key to any plausible attempt at original creativity in the present day. Taking on this belief, I have decided to get 'inspired' from all worlds of the media and technology.
     One of the main themes for the final music video is 'gaming'; and this will be mostly present in the 'Dream World' scenes of the music video. Indie gaming is on the rise in terms of popularity, and what these kind of games are most famous for are their extensive detail and innovative style of artwork. It is not only the indie game's courageous visuals that appeal to me though, I also love the idea of the 'platform'-based games such as many indie games but also the rather historic Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog games. I wanted to imitate this same stylistic attribute into my own work, so here are some images below that I have found to be interesting and inspirational.

Robot Unicorn Attack 2

This is just a platform app form the iOS App Store, but I really love the colours used and the type of elements shown in this computer generated world. Whilst playing the game it is evident that there are a lot of different layers in the video; which all move at different times and speeds. This is exactly what I want to try and re-create in FCP X with the use of the 'Ken Burns' tool and others.


These screenshots are from the music video 'Californication' by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. The theme is similar to mine but with a lot more animation involved. What I like mostly about this video though is the different type of shots such as the ones above. The over-the-shoulder shot and close up shot both follow the character on a journey and this is something that I'd like to do also. As well at these two camera framings I want to produce P.O.V shots and many other creative shots also.

Other Inspiration

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