Tuesday 12 November 2013

Costume #8

Business Look

Costume on Make A Gif
    This look will be for the protagonist at the start of the music video when he is being fired from his job. Clearly the costume is based on the fact that the character is at work at this point. The tidy, dull, repetitive 'business' look is supposed to show a sense of entrapping conformity and this will inevitably link to the optimistic journey that the character then endures to try and escape this city way of life.
   The clean white shirt was the main choice for us because it has been shown through many professional media texts this is the best way to go when the character goes through a phase of breaking bad. Funnily, the shirt scenario is evident in the TV series Breaking Bad with the character Walter white but I was thinking more about the horror/comedy Shaun of the Dead. Shaun works at a retail branch, and the white shirt symbolises symbolises the repetitiveness  of a branch-like company. However, more importantly the shirt will look a lot more dirty and scruffy when the character comes into play with violence and when they have a self-revolt over their own way of life, and this is the primary reason for the colour of the shirt alone.

Scruffy/Casual Look
Costume 2 on Make A Gif
    This look is for the protagonist when he chooses to rebel against his own way of life and I believe the scruffiness and the roughness shows this immensely. The rolled-up sleeves, the no-tie look and the untucked shirt shows it all really, and truly shows the lack of care that the character has for his look. The optimism on his face and the way his body moves to the beat of the music will show that the un-tidiness isn't because he is upset or angry but just because of the rebellious attribute towards the business man lifestyle he is striving to acquire. 
    Lack of care is going to be a reoccurring theme that I want to present most utterly throughout this video, and it will be mainly shown visually by the look of the character. The desire to be in a less consumeristic and vain environment will be undoubtedly palpable with the visual connotations of the costume; which is precisely the reason why I wanted this look and the change between the previous one.

The Band's Look

  This is something that my friend and I have discussed at length. It is hard enough trying to arrange rooms, times and band members enough, but to decide what they'll be wearing too is going to be an even more momentous task. Therefore we took this into much consideration, as of course, we want our video to look the utmost professional and show the best of what we can do. The conclusion arose that the need for a specific band 'look' wouldn't necessarily be needed, and this is mainly due to the genre.
   The kind of people that enjoy genre that we believe our music video to be centred around (mostly indie) won't be focused too much on how each band member looks, because simplicity is often the case within this genre. Subtlety with costumes, hair etc. is a further enforced characteristic to the matter concerning the attempt to branch away from the typical voyeuristic, colourful music videos, to make them more meaningful but still in a fun way.
    What we know for sure is that the clothes for the bands won't be excessively random and completely away from the appeal to the target audience that we are trying to obtain. We know the band members and we know their day-to-day clothes (skinny jeans, shirts etc.) and this is sufficient enough info for us to go ahead with the performance shoot. 

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