Tuesday 5 November 2013

Shot List & Storyboard #6

    This shot list is going to be extremely helpful for us when it comes to filming because of the excessive amount of shots that we want to capture in order to conform to the typical perceptions of music videos and to also have a strong relationship with the fast-paced song.
    This list will be taken with us to every location in order to remind us how we wanted each shot to be constructed. It will also be accompanied with the storyboard too. The storyboard is simply: a visual representation of the shot list. It is very useful because our ideas of camera shots/angles/movements, mise-en-scène and lighting are all noted down within each individual shot from the storyboard.

   To help with the Shot List I have decided that it would be beneficial to the reader to put the numbers from the storyboard (the numbers indicate each element of the storyboard) next to each shot that is applicable and therefore make it a lot more comprehendible.


Shot List

P = Protagonist 

0:00     P losing his job. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]
0:25     Song starts and P starts to walk on his adventure and falls through a puddle.[11][12]
0:35     Performance Shot (transition between P and singer of the band) [13]
0:55     Underwater P shot [14]
1:00     Performance Shot - "Well you just you laughed it off..." [15]
1:03     Falls into dreamworld and see whats he thinks to be an eagle but turns out to be a                                         pigeon [16]
1:13     Performance Shot [17]
1:22     Walks with eagle through dreamworld [18]
1:30     Performance Shot [19]
1:45     Continuation of walking [18]
1:47     Performance Shot [19]
1:59     Sees family with animal heads and waves - turns out to be a couple of people in a                                         street looking freaked out [20]
2:10     Performance Shot [21]
2:14     P sees hole in the ceiling of the dreamworld [22]
2:16     Performance Shot [21]
2:20     P starts to get ready to go through the hole [22]
2:22     Performance Shot [21]
2:29     Flies through the hole like a superhero. (transition between that and P on a                                                    escalator) [22]
2:34     Performance Shot [23]
2:37     Underwater shot of P [14]- reversed
2:39     Performance Shot [23]
2:47     P exits through a different puddle somewhere in an rural area [24]
2:56     starts walking again (through different locations) [25]
3:06     Performance Shot [26]
3:11     Climbs over a gate into a field [27]
3:16     Performance Shot [28]
3:25     Walks across a field (Taking off jacket, shoes and glasses) [29]
3:35     Performance Shot [28]
3:40     P appears through long grass - P.O.V shot of a beach - P finds serenity and lies                                            down - back to P.O.V and eyes closing = end of the video

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