Tuesday 8 October 2013

Frame by Frame

What have you learnt about music video production from completing this task?  

    I have learnt that you shouldn’t take time for granted. There are a lot of shots that make up a music video and it takes a lot of planning and a lot of time recording too. We were lucky with this video – as it was pretty straight forwards. However when it comes to recording my actual music video for the final coursework piece I want to include a lot of imagination. I want to create a video itself to accentuate the song to its full extent.

   I have also learnt that synchronising audio and visuals can be a lot harder than it first seems. I spent about an hour (once I had finished editing and ordering the videos in the timeline) trying to sync up the audio perfectly. Our singer was miming the lyrics most of the time, which means I was able to learn a bit of lip reading as well. The screen shots above show exactly the two videos and each of their different shots. They are laid out in chronological order and as you can see there are the same amount of screen shots and all of the shots are identical. It took a long time to get it like this, but luckily with the music and the 'Visual beats' I was able to hear when the shot changed, which meant it wasn't too difficult. This sequence is very fast paced though. There are around twenty-five screen shots in each of these collages and yet I have only edited up to a minute.

   Music video production isn’t straightforward. No one ever said it was. But you can’t just go off out into the world full of ideas: if those ideas aren’t thoroughly planned out. Costume, Mise-en-scène and location is key for music video, almost as important as the narrative and the meaning of the video. Therefore you have to get it absolutely perfect  to make it look professional.

How will this affect the planning of your own music video?

       At first thought I thought I may be able to record the lip syncing for my video three times (all in different positions) and then when it comes to editing that would be it. Now I know that there will be so much more planning involved. I now want to end up with a music video that is very unique and seen as 
'outstanding' to others. If you're going to do something, you might as well try your best to do it right. Music video production is clearly time-consuming and tricky work, but with an immense amount of planning hopefully it'll all go right. 

    I now know that for my video that I want to include a narrative, and try to give it an original one at that (with the help of some technological aspects). This is because I believe when music videos manage to be constructed of both a live performance and a strong narrative, they work really well. This is then what I will be planning to focus on the most, and I know after this task that a lot will be involved in that planning, but it'll sure be worth it.

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