Tuesday 15 October 2013

Sven E Carlsson

Who is he? And what does he 
have to say about all the Music Video business?

     Sven E Carlsson has a very strong theory, that can clearly be related strongly to almost every music video out there today. If I was to choose which type of performance and which type of 'Performer' I'd like to construct for my video than it'd have to be an Instrumental Performance and a mix between a Televised Bard and an Electronic Shaman. This is because I'd like to construct a mix of narrative and performance. There wouldn't be any dancing per-say but the performance would be based around a band. wouldn't want to classify it as a Televised Bard as I would like a strong narrative with my video, and not just some clips presenting meaning of the song, but then I'd also like a good set of clips showing the band. That's why I'd like it to be a mix - a bit like the music video Just by Radiohead

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