Wednesday 16 October 2013

Research & Inspiration

   I created this video to show all of the footage from all across the web that had inspired me. For this I'm not looking at the type of editing they use, but I'm looking at techniques focused around the 'filming' part to the production process. So I look a lot at Mise-en-scène and a lot at camera-work too. I really want to make a video that looks great, and looks professional. So this is why I have researched heavily on such video-sharing sites as YouTube and Vimeo to see what makes a professional clip that much better than an amateur clip, and what's the difference. You can always tell when a music video (or any video) was created by an amateur, and that's why this was so important to me to research. The main points I found was that you must colour-grade(correct) in order to make it look cinematic/film and the camera must never just be on a tripod, there always has to be some kind of movement, to make it look more realistic a and a lot more interesting. and of course, don't be boring with your shots. To get a 'professional-look' you have to be creative, this means - Reverse shots, slow motion, timelapse etc. This is all going to be taken into account further when I first develop my shot list and storyboard and then hopefully the outcome will be as glorious as my vision.

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