Sunday 13 October 2013

Urban Tribes

This collage represents the Tribes of my College. 

   Starting from the top left we have the notorious 'Lads'. The tribe 'Lads' has many different aspects to it that make is what it is, and here they are: 
  • Costume/Appearance. Mostly simple. Jeans and a t-shirt (with a possible hoodie). In the summer they would most probably wear shorts and a t-shirt and footwear would include sandals or espadrilles. Although the title 'Lads' would suggest a sense of 'manliness', it's argued to be contradictory in terms of appearance. 'Lads' take a lot of care in their appearance, their hair, body etc. 
  • Hobbies. Hobbies would include watching and playing football/rugby and going out at night.
  • Music. Music taste probably situates around songs in 'The Charts'.
  • Inspiration. TV shows such as Geordie Shore, The Only Way Is Essex and more.

    Onto the next tribe. 'Skaters' or possibly 'Hipsters' (if the two go together) is one of the fastest rising social-cultures at the moment. There are also a lot of aspects of this tribe that'll help you identify them. Here they are:

  • Costume/Appearance. The most noticeable of the whole 'look' would be the skinny jeans. Other parts of the costume would chequered shirts and band t-shirts. Appearance would most likely involve piercings, tattoos and long hair.
  • Hobbies. Obviously skating (clue in the title), but if they skate they probably play a musical (rock) instrument too. Nights out would most probably include going to gigs.
  • Music. Music taste revolves mostly around Rock. However sub-genres of rock is probably the most favourable.
  • Inspiration. Favoured bands.

   Of course and inevitably we have the now-old tribe of the 'Chav'. I think everyone has seen what a Chav is, what they look like and what they do, but here's some aspects of them to help describe the tribe even more so:

  • Costume/Appearance. This tribe is unisex, and yet the costume is so similar. The tribe wears mostly tracksuit bottoms, baggy jeans, hoodies and tracksuit tops. Their appearance is very basic, no style has gone to mind, so hairstyles are typically short, or slicked-back for girls. This is very different to the previous two tribes as the 'Lads' hairstyle is typically styled with gel, and the 'Skaters'  have hair that is typically long, straight and black.
  • Hobbies. The media would lead us to believe that all 'Chavs' do is hang around on the street and cause trouble. Although this may be true in some cases, the 'Chavs' are a very mysterious group, most of their generic attributes are un-known to us at this point.
  • Music. Their music taste mostly dwells on Hip-Hop and Rap.
  • Inspiration. Rap artists and others.

   Now we have the 'Gamers'. Similar to the 'Skaters' the 'Gamers' are becoming a lot more popular as a Tribe. They aren't that mysterious either. Here are some aspects.

  • Costume/Appearance. Costume and Appearance is not cared for in the mind of the 'Gamers'.
  • Hobbies. Also similar to the 'Skaters', the clue is in the name. Life revolves around Games and specifically big online multiplayer games at that. Life is mostly spent in darkly lit bedrooms also.
  • Music. This is a mystery. 
  • Inspiration. Games they have played. 

 'Fan-girls' is the next tribe on my list, and as always, here are some aspects of their nature:

  • Costume/Appearance. Typical 'Girly' clothing, and of course Band & Film T-shirts.
  • Hobbies. Researching, obsessing and having conversations about their favourite actors & band/singers.
  • Music. Mostly Pop, but more recently there have been a lot of fan girls centered around rock bands.
  • Inspiration. Fan-Girls is a term that has been used for decades, but it's down to the way marketing is used for certain stars in order to attract the 'Fain-Girl' type.

    And lastly we have the 'Inbetweeners'. This is a very popular tribe, and the people within in are the kind of people that don't belong to any other tribe. They are what society would like to call normal. They may, however, include a diverse range of aspects from all of the other tribes and that's why they're known as the 'Inbetweeners'.
  • Costume/Appearance. N/A
  • Hobbies. N/A
  • Music. N/A
  • Inspiration. N/A


    It is obvious to see that most of these tribes revolve around Music. With this in mind, it is even more important to follow conventions of genre for my music video, because the statistics show that I won't be able to get a good audience without them. 
   Costume/Appearance is a major factor too for these tribes, and in order for my music video to stand out I'm going to have to have a character wearing something relatable to that genre, and not just any old thing
   Hobbies is a factor that I think do not matter as much as the previous two. Unless I want to create a video where my target audience is going to be the 'Skaters' I'm probably not going to dwell too much on the hobbies. However I might make references to certain hobbies. If the target audience was the 'Gamers' then I'd like to make references to the game industry to intrigue the audience, much like the video 'Californication' by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

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